
Aug 22, 2013

The Deeper Places

Today, while pondering when I might get some time to do some magical work, I whispered blessings and thanks to the garden as I harvested vegetables, I chanted while I made cookies for my nieces, I napped and dreamed strange dreams, and I mowed a rune into my lawn as I was cutting the grass.

I speak often about daily practice because it is important to me.  I've not spent much time meditating this summer. My yoga routine has completely fallen by the wayside. I haven't sunk deeply into ritual in quite a while. It pleases me that it is almost habitual to imbue my daly activities with enchantment - it does lend to a very magical-feeling life. But those little fascinations don't actually replace the practices that have always anchored me. And today I felt a bit...adrift.

 As the season slowly begins to shift, the gardens wind down, and the nieces return to school, it will also be time for me to re-commit to my own praxis. It is time to return to those daily observances that offer me a firm foundation when the winds (or the full moon, or moody teenage girls,) press against my sanity.

 Tonight I'm going to spend some time with the gorgeous crow rattle that a friend of mine made, and see where the rhythm takes me. There is much that needs to be done around the house, but those things can wait one more day. I'm in need of a little communion with the deeper places that have been waiting all summer long for some quality attention.


  1. Mowing a rune into the lawn -- I like that idea!

  2. This is a beautiful post. I too "abandon" my path in the summer when I am being with my grands and all that summer allows me. But this time of year calls me back to my "knowing ways" and to back on track. I'm not sure that that is how it is supposed to be. I may not have been centered in ritual but the Goddess has presented The Cuckoos with so many lessons and learnings and gorgeous gifts of nature. Now it is my turn to thank the Gods for all they have bestowed on me and mine.
    This was such a pleasure to read. Drum (rattle) on. Oma Linda

  3. Beautiful post. There is so much negative energy flying around (thanks to self-absorbed daughter) that it gets extremely difficult to fight through it, to get back to where I need to be.

  4. gentle words to describe your drifting, but ahhhh... you have practices to return too.

    a fine posting!

  5. Loved your post. The summer keeps us so busy sometimes and things fall to the side, but like you, I tend to gather ritual and tradition and autumn comes closer.

  6. You have such a way with words, Jen. You express what many of us (including me) feel deep within. A big thanks for sharing your thoughts of going to the deeper places.


  7. Thanks for the gentle reminder that we need to slow down and take a long deep breath, and simply sit and enjoy.


  8. There's a time for everything.
    Housework won't walk away, unfortunately ; )
    Have a magical day.


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