Turns out, all that self-care was needed...but didn't actually prevent me from succumbing to the random virus that grabbed me. At any rate, I'm staging a rather agressive attack with Vitamin C and D, Manuka honey, Zinc lozenges, tea, Elderberry syrup, salt water for gargling and my neti pot, and plenty of sleep. Oh, plus a mustard poultice and a rub of eucalyptus for the congestion. Whew! It's a full-time job just keeping on top of the treatments - but I'm feeling better than yesterday, so something has to be working...
Although I was feeling rough, I did make a short stop at Walmart yesterday. The only good thing about a cold is that I don't feel like eating chocolate. For now...
Today, I am taking advantage of my day off to get going on my Halloween goody bags for my neices and my friends kids. I always make them special bags each year. When they were smaller I made these crackers that Martha suggested.

They went over like gangbusters, but that was when the kids were smaller. Now, the goody bags are much larger!
So, in between naps and tea, I'll be organizing the ridiculous amount of candy and Halloween trinkets I have into piles for the little goblins that are going to show up on October 31st.
awwww, feel better!
I hope you feel better soon! Oh, and that cartoon? Been there, done that.
Feel better soon! *hugs*
Feel better! Zinc lozenges are so amazing, huh? Oh, you might also try Emergen-C, it is SO amazing. It comes in lozenges that are sort of fizzy so they're fun like candy except good for you. I found those at Wild Oats but they also have drink mix packets of the stuff available at WalMart :)
Hope you feel better soon. Try some ginger tea made of fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks, cloves, a whole lemon, and some honey. Bring everything but the honey to a boil then simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Add honey to taste. A sure cure for what ails ya.
Oh, you poor thing. It sounds like you have got everything in order to beat that virus though. Good thing you caught it in time!
I'm sure that the Gremlins will greatly appreciate your treat bags! It sounds like you put a lot of fun into them!
Healing Hugs!
Hope you start feeling better soon.
goodness could take you all day just to take all your medication... Hope you get to feeling better soon... dont you just love making the goodie bags.. I found out this last weekend that my son of 26 would still like to get a Halloween goodie bag.. and I thought he was too old for that stuff...
Thanks for the tea recipe and the Emergen-C hints! I'm going to try both of them!
MM - it doesn't surprise me that your son still wants a goodie bag - I'm 36 and still want a Lifesaver Story Book from Santa each year - LOL!
I hope you get to feeling better. It's never any fun being sick, but especially at this time of year.
I know those goody bags will be a hit! I don't think anyone ever out grows them! :0)
Awww, feel better soon. I love all the Halloween Martha stuff. She makes all look so pish-posh. I love it!
Ugh...I think I'm coming down with something today too Rue! :o(
I took some manuka honey today, along with lots of vitamins, lots of water and I slept a lot last night, but I feel like I'm getting another ear infection. I don't what's up with that...that is supposed to be a kids problem, not an adult. Oh well, I may have to pay a visit to the doc tomorrow if I don't get to feeling better. I loved the cartoon because that is SO very much ME! I've been breaking into the Hallowe'en candy already, it's just so addicting. Cursed stuff! ;o) Feel better soon!
Awww, rest up and feel better, Rue.
Hope you feel better soon! Getting cold right now is not fun! I loved the bunnies cartoon! LOL It's just like me!!! I'm so addicted to chocolat *sigh* no good for my migraines..., but it's hard to be away from a bar for long...
Good luck with your candies! :o)
Kisses from Nydia.
Rest up! Sleep does worlds of good.
Where can I sign up for one of those goodie bags? :)
Oh do take care!! Love the cartoon and gotta love Martha's idea! You know I do! Heal fast!
Awww, I do hope you get feeling better soon. No fun. Our kids have high fevers right now and congestion/runny noses. I highly suggest this cream we like called Topricin. It is a nice pain cream that helps with aches. Get well soon!
Wow what a mixture, hope you feel better soon. Those treatments sound quite yummy :-)
Feel better soon! ((hugs))
Another well-wisher here -- hoping you will feel better soonest! Amazing to read about mustard plasters -- I remember those from my childhood -- and being swiped down with vinegar to disinfect too! LOL!
Jan at Rosemary Cottage
I hope you feel better soon, love!
But you're doing everything right. I could have written those treatments myself. LOL
Hope your weekend is wonderful...Merry Samhain!
feel better! drink lots of orange juice!
wow, those wrappers are to die for. looove!!
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