For Kat, at Antics of a Tameran Witch:
Drummers and a flute player in Mexico at Xel-Ha. A fantastic sound that could be heard far into the park and over the water. Dusk was setting, and it had been a great day. I was so engrossed in the drums, I almost missed my bus!
My first ripe tomato in my garden last year. I am always so damn excited when the tomatoes ripen! I suppose I could learn to make fried green tomatoes, but I'd rather eat a ripe one, with some sea salt and oregano!
A pic of my brother and father starting a campfire after a rather miserable time trying to find an Xmas tree in '08. We finally broke down and all went into town and bought trees for our homes! (After roasting hot dogs and marshmellows.) Too much snow and ice that year!
Dexter and Daisy "hiding" in an empty Halloween candy box. My story is that I had just finished making the goody bags for the little creatures on Halloween night, but for all I remember, I may have eaten this box myself...
Thanks to all who tagged me (and who have had the utmost patience with my late response.) Please do go and check out their wonderful blogs - they are all fabulous!
Now to get to those blog awards...
Loved esp the drummer and tomatoe's. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Ohh what breed of cats?
I'm far behind myself. Trouble is, I don't have photo albums like this. I don't have a camera. Cats are always so curious, aren't they? I always get such a kick out of it. I remember when my sons were small, we had a photographer come to the house and as he was focusing on the children, I happened to see my 3 cats all in his suitcase. It was hard not to keep a straight face.
We were at Xel-ha in 2005 and that SAME guy was drumming near the exit! Only he had the cutest little girl with him then, drumming on her own wee djembe! I laughed because I immediately recognized him from your photo!
That was a lot of fun. Reminds me, I was tagged don't feel bad, I have not done mine yet either :D
Kat - Dex & Daisy were rescued barn kittens (their mom went missing or abandoned them) so they are some sort of wild mix! Dex really has features (and sassy-ness) of a Siamese, but he is black. Daisy has longer hair than him, and is built stockier. My uncle says she looks like the lynx on his property! Who knows?
Debra - too funny that the same guy is still there! He is fabulous, isn't he?
thanks for the mint suggestion. i had not thought of that and it might just be the things that works!
~l♥vely moments youo have shared with us...brightest blessings~
love the pics :-)
I sure do love them 'Matoes' myself. The garden variety are so much better than store bought ones it's unreal. Xavier
Great are so nice!!!
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