Jul 25, 2010

Farmers Market Saturdays

Today I wanted to direct you to a great website that will help you find a farmers market in your area - or whatever area you travel to this Summer.

Local Harvest is a fabulous organization where you can find great info on local markets, farms or read blogs by growers and shop their online farm stores.

 Do check out what markets are in your area, and be a tourist in your own town.  Get to know your growers and artisans and enjoy the bounty that the Earth and the Summer have to offer!


the wild magnolia said...

Thanks for sharing!

The nature bright colors of vegetables makes me hungry! :)

Blessings! Sandi

mxtodis123 said...

Thank you for this information. I'll check it out. I do know we have a big one on 14th street in Manhattan. We also have an indoor place down the block from where I work. It's a year round market and such fun just to walk through.

mxtodis123 said...

Thank you for this information. I'll check it out. I do know we have a big one on 14th street in Manhattan. We also have an indoor place down the block from where I work. It's a year round market and such fun just to walk through.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Thanks so much for the information. It's great to have at hand. I hope the day treats you well. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, thanks for the link to this website! Awesome!

Arianna said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog :) I'm flattered you're following me now.

Awesome link....great information to have on hand.

Dede said...

A great link, just found one in Live Oak, didn't even know it was there! Keeping fingers crossed I get to go Saturday! yummy...


Sharon Lovejoy said...

Hi Rue,

Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment. I hope you liked the link to my story about our Market Boat. They are wonderful friends and they work so hard, as do all farmers, bakers, canners, and farmer's market folks. All that setting up on top of everything. I appreciate them.

Whenever we travel we always make a point to visit the local markets. I appreciate the link you provided. Will make things easier.

This coming weekend we're attending the Kneader's Conference in Skowhegan, Maine. People will be building outdoor wood fired ovens and baking on site-as well as sharing knowledge.

Happy day to you,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Sarah Sullivan said...

Hi Jen...I saw below that you were down my way (Idaho) for vacation..where were you? I am in Coeur d Alene!! We have an nice farmers market here each Wed.. but more like a crafty thing..I am off to see if I can find another bigger one. Thank you for the link!!
Blessings, Sarah

Heather S-G said...

Isn't Local Harvest an awesome resource!? Great heads up...and I'm still waiting for one of your farmers market saturdays to pop up over at Two for Tuesdays (hint, hint)...LOL ;)

Sarah Sullivan said...

Wow Jen...we love Silverwood. We used to live right up the hill from there. We love that area too...I would love to get some land up that way again. Let us know when you are down this way again..we will give ya a tour of Coeur d Alene!!

Mother Moon said...

beautiful squash. I have eaten my weight in grilled squash this summer and still I am not tired of it.... such a wonderful vegetable...