Jan 28, 2011

Waking Up

After a long-Winter's nap, I seem to be waking up slowly. 

I gave the house a good clean this week in preparation for Imbolc and opened the windows up for a nice airing out - even though it's still fairly cold here.  A little new energy in the house is a good thing!  Speaking of new energy - the above pic is my new housemate Beau. 

She was living with my friend's son for the last year, until he developed an allergy to her.  He was going to have to take her to the SPCA because no one wanted her.  So of course, I caved.  She is nutty and a pest - and I adore her utterly.

I've also been garden-planning, which definitely helps with the Winter blues.  I'll post my list of garden must-haves here soon.  For now, the only thing showing a stirring in the garden are the early bulbs (snowdrops, crocus) and there are tiny green shoots poking through.  That's enough to give me a bit of hope!

I know some of you are still under quite a bit of snow.  I hope you are hanging in there, and are finding little signs around you that signal Winter's eventual end!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beau is belle! Look at those amazing eyes! I'm glad she found a good home with you.

mxtodis123 said...

I'm in love. Beau has stolen my heart. What eyes she has!!!

I'm So Pretty said...

Beau is gorgeous!!! her eyes are captivating :)

the wild magnolia said...

So very pleased to "see" you! You were missed!

You are stirring a bit, from your winter hibernation! All is well.

No Beau, precious, an absolute love. Congratulations to each of you.

Happy garden planning.


Unknown said...

What a pretty Beau!

I am new to your blog and just simply love it...


Mother Moon said...

what a gorgeous new fellow... beautiful eyes indeed.... yes I am preparing myself for the coming of spring...

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Ah, a new kitty!!! Adorable too....lucky you :)

I hear you about the garden....so looking forward to spring and getting out there and playing in the posies!


Robin Larkspur said...

A big welcome and hugs to Beau, what a sweet face, and such big eyes! You are so good to take her! Argh, no signs of spring here, too much snow on the ground, and ground is frozen hard. But lovely to think of crocuses popping up somewhere. enjoy your new friend. Imbolc blessings heading your way. Robin.

Robin Larkspur said...

P.S. I love your header, so beautiful, and the flowering branches on the sides. Lovely!!! Robin.

Danni said...

Welcome back to the waking world my dear! I'm sure your spunky new housemate will make sure you don't doze off again too soon. ;)

Judith said...

"quite a bit of snow?" that's an understatement!!!!! But I'm toughing it out, looking at my garden catalogs, and dreaming about the beach! Good to see you back!!!

Arianna said...

Glad to see you're moving about again. I'm also knee deep in pre-spring cleaning. Still have quite a bit of organizing to go....but I'll get there. Determination will prevail.

Beau is so beautiful. I hope you two have lots of fun together.

Mama Kelly aka Jia said...

We still have about 18" easy on the ground right now so Spring seems an eternity away. This past Fall I planted a bed of daffodils and I can't wait for them to bloom.

TheBlakkDuchess said...

^-^ She's just the cutest!!! =D
I'm so glad she found a home with you. ^-^
I've been garden planning as well... I can't wait until I can have an in-the-ground garden, but for now I'm content with my container gardening.

Jeanne said...

What a beautiful Kitty. She has a twinkle in her eye and a spring in her step!
My daffodils are up about 3-4 inches. :0) Spring is not far away....

Anonymous said...

Beau is adorable!

No physical signs of spring here but I feel it's approaching energy in the air!

Jennifer said...

Oh, that was so sweet of you to adopt her when the little boy developed allergies. I had to find homes for two beloved cats (when I was in my 20's) because of allergies and it's heartbreaking. I found great homes for both of them (I still get updates on one, she is an OLD cat now! LOL) but it still hurt. You did a great thing! I know they will rest easy knowing the kitty has a good home!

Summer said...

Signs of spring, eh? I should check out your side of the mountains...it's been freaking FREEZING here in the Bow Valley...easily -30 over the weekend. Brrr. Bring on the spring!

Birgit said...

Hi Rue,

Beau is a beauty for sure -- I am looking forward to more photos of your cat. :)
