Aug 1, 2012

Welcome August!

"Fairest of the months! 
Ripe summer's queen
The hey-day of the year
With robes that gleam with sunny sheen
Sweet August doth appear."
- R. Combe Miller

A very happy August to you!  The days have flown and July is finished whether I was prepared to be done with it, or not.  I spent the last few days of that hot month in Oregon where I was dancing with the fae at Faerieworlds.  What a weekend!  I'll post some pictures soon, but for now I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep and garden duties.

"He that has a good harvest, must be content with a few thistles." ~ Spanish proverb

I'm surprised how much is fading now.  It seems like these globe thistle flowers had just bloomed and the neighbour's rose of Sharon was only beginning to open its giant purple blossoms - but today I noticed the petals on the ground and the bees busily combing the thistles as they begun to wilt slightly.

Out in the valley hills, the wild rose hips are ready for picking.  I've got to head out very early one morning this week to harvest.  The weather is stifling hot, so any work outdoors is still relegated to the morning hours.  I wanted to have a First Harvest fire in my fire bowl today, but the hot, dry weather meant that any sparks would be a hazard.  My Lughnasadh fire tonight will be contained in my cauldron.  It will consist of some of the dried stems of herbs I've harvested thus far this year.  Yarrow, sage and lavender will make a lovely scented fire.

This first harvest is traditionally about grain.  I don't grow grain or cereal crops, although I've tried my hand at corn, but the stalks produce little if anything and are used as decoration more than food.  My harvest altar is pitifully lacking a corn or wheat dolly this year.  There are plenty of great posts out about the sabbat today (here and here) so I won't delve too much into the traditions and history involved in the day.  I tend to think of summer's winding down as a time to reflect on what worked this year thus far, and what hasn't.

What I love about August is that there is still time.  Still time to put in some late summer crops that enjoy the cooler autumn weather.  Still time to change my plans if they are not producing the desired effect.  Still time to work on my goals and desires before winter sets in.  There is still plenty of time to play in the sun!

Wishing you a blessed Lughnassadh, Lammas, First Harvest, August!


Magaly Guerrero said...

Nothing more exciting and uplifting that the feeling of knowing that there is still time to do the things we want to find some we didn't even know we loved. Welcome August indeed.

Hope your fire burned strong and your First Harvest is plentiful ;-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Maybe it's just our particular growing season here in Canada, but I always think of First Harvest as a time to celebrate the bounty of the veggie garden -- especially peas in the pod on which I'm feasting right now! Lammas blessings to you, Rue!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Blessings to you as well, Oma Linda

Jeanne said...

Celebrating with the bounty of the harvest is the order of the day (or rather yesterday). The globe thistle is so pretty! A lovely shade of blue.....
How wonderful to be able to have gone to Faerieworlds! It is a dream of mine.... I imagine it is an incredible trip!