Apr 29, 2013

Busy Beltane

It has been a whirlwind week!  I took a quick trip to Seattle a week ago, for a women's business seminar, and then had two brief office days before I rushed out again for a weekend at a Spring Festival.

April has been a strange mix of weather and energy.  The full moon last week threw me off a bit and I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep.  The above pic was taken last Sunday.  Fresh snow fell on the hills just above where I live.  I was fortunate to have great weather while I traveled to both events, but today one weather system after another came rushing through the valley.  Rain, hail, snow, sunshine, wind - we've had it all.  I stood beneath the cherry tree this morning, while a snowstorm of blossoms came down around me.  They are so fleeting - I'm glad I enjoyed them when I had the chance.

We are also half-way through a week long Beltane celebration.  The lunar Beltane was on Thursday, Walpurgisnaucht or May eve is tomorrow, and the astrological Beltane is on the 4th I believe.  That's a good week of frolicking!  We are hitting that lovely in-between time again, across the calendar from Samhain, when 'thinness' between the worlds allows for us to witness or indulge in spirit play.  Read your cards tomorrow night, try some fire scrying at your bonfire, connect with meditation.  Just don't drink the faery wine!

A Chant For Beltane - Doreen Valiente

Friends that in the circle stand,
Heart to heart and hand to hand,
Bringing Beltane to the land,
Let the sleeper wake!
Let the flames of Beltane burn,
May the Old Ones now return,
May we of their magic learn,
Let the sleeper wake!
Let the streams and fields be pure,
Earth and sky be clean once more,
Love and laughter long endure,
Let the sleeper wake!
Forests spreading, peace returning,
Where the pagan fire’s burning,
Now the inner light discerning,
Let the sleeper wake!
May the Lady’s touch again
Rest upon the barren plain,
With the sunshine and the rain,
Let the sleeper wake!
Beltane magic here we sing,
Chant the rune and dance the ring,
Joy and blessing shall it bring.
Let the sleeper wake!

Poem found here.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed reading Doreen Valiente's poem so much -- thank you! And especially for the link to the organization preserving her memory.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Sometimes "busy" is extra good. I love the phrase "a strange mix of weather and energy" it sounds like the title of an awesome movie that should be enjoyed around a comp fire with friends who make you laugh with your entire body ;-)