Aug 13, 2014

Faerieworlds Flashback 2014

Three weeks ago my nieces and I, along with my friend and her daughter, got up at 2am and headed south to Oregon to a mysterious and wonderful place called Faerieworlds.  It is an eleven-hour drive for us through the hottest, most parched days of summer, and nothing but heat, dirt and sweat greet you when you arrive. And we wouldn't miss it.  

This was only our third year attending, but the feeling of being there among all those people who feel the 'otherness' of their being calling them to gather at that event, is something that will draw us back every year. This was the last year Faerieworlds would be at Mount Pisgah, just outside Eugene.  Next year I'm told it will appear outside Portland, and I'm glad for the extra hour or two off our driving journey.

As always, the people were friendly and generous, the staff and security were incredible (one security person rescued us when we locked the keys in our car,) and the food and vendors were top notch.  The music, generally the big-draw for the festival, was out of this world.  SJ Tucker, Sharon Knight, Omnia, Woodland, Brother, and more hit the stages and got us dancing, singing along, and jumping like wild women.

This year there were workshops by Thorn Coyle, Raven Grimassi, Morpheus Ravenna, and others, as well as a weapons training ground for those who wanted to try their hand(s) at swordplay or wielding a scythe.  I sat in on one of Thorn's talks, both of Raven's, and sat in on a meditation with Morpheus, and they were all well-spoken and wise.

Here are a few pics, in no particular order, of the fun and fabulousness of the event. (click to enlarge)

Do join us next year!


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i have nothing like that near here but i sure wish we did!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds and looks wonderful! Love the 2 skellies sitting at the ouija board table, LOL!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I am so envious.....this looks like such a fun experience and a lovely way to spend the day. We have gone to three different Ren Faires but nothing like this. Lucky Ducky you.......Oma Linda

Little Messy Missy said...

WOW!!!! so awesome! Never heard of that before!

Debra Nehring said...

Wonderful! Your time there looks like it was the best!
I'd love to attend....... Maybe next year. 🌛🌝🌜

HappyCrone said...

Oh Jen how cool would it be if it was in Hood River!!!! OMGoddess, you could just stay with me!!

Rue said...

I would absolutely stay (or camp in your yard if my rowdy nieces came along!) Also, I will drag you along to the festivities! It has killed me every year to drive by you - 2015 is our year!

Pixie said...

Looks fantastic xx