I heard someone say recently that if things are hard for you, it's an indication that the Universe thinks that you are doing really well, and is adding a few things to your load, because it thinks you can handle it. Sometimes I think the Universe overestimates my abilities!
It's been a crazy week, and I'm just finding time to breathe, although I seem to have lost an hour of that too, to "daylight savings." At any rate, I'm looking forward to a more focused and productive week coming up, and all that wonderful New Moon energy stirring.
The website is coming along and will be up and running April 1st. My bookwork is....getting close to being done. The sun is shining, and I'm enjoying a nice tall Diet Coke with a spot of lime, and some skull ice cubes - just for fun. Even after a week of struggles, I am feeling rather confident today.
I'm also feeling a bit "witchy" - which is fun. I rarely go through my day without pausing on spirituality in some way or another, but it's been a while since I felt like dancing under the moonlight, or mixing some ingredients in the old cauldron. I think I'm going to stir up something good for tomorrow night's New Moon.
What I will leave you with, is this: even at my lowest, the past week, I have rested solidly on the fact that I know who I am. I know what I believe. Even if situations shake that foundation - it's still solid. Instead of regretting what has passed, or not gone well, I will rejoice. Because I know that the future is very bright. Regardless of how much the Universe throws at me, or thinks I can handle.
How's that for optimism?