Apr 5, 2011

Welcoming Workspace

My bookkeeping office is in a small corner of a production building, where lovely chocolates are packaged and sent a few blocks over to a gourmet food and gift shop to sell.  I have a good sized desk but it is in a corner facing a wall, and there is minimal outside light that gets in.

There are also two other desks in this space, that are in use whenever the store owner and the other managers are around.  The production manager and other store employees float through from time to time as well, so there is sometimes a good deal of energy in an otherwise small space.  And it goes without saying that sometimes that energy isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

In order to keep myself happy and focused in a small space and the energy surrounding me conducive to work and sanity, I employ a few easy tricks.

A good start is to make sure that your space has a welcoming scent.  You cannot help if you work in a building that pumps in recycled air or your co-worker doesn't use enough deodorant, but you can place a small scented candle on your desk (whether you are allowed to light it or not - they smell lovely) or find a lightly scented spray for your space.

I have a bottle of lavender spray from a local lavender farm beside my computer and give it a few spritzes when I come in.  It smells nice, is organic and safe to use on surfaces.  It adds a calming scent to the area and gives a little protection from any lower energy that someone might bring into my space.

If you have animals at your workplace, please be sure that you choose safe items that will not be ingested by visiting pets.

Speaking of family - furry or otherwise - having some photos of loved ones always brightens up a space.  I have a small wall space above my desk that I've turned into a mural of photos of my neices, pets and friends' kids. Some of my co-workers have brought me pictures of their kids and grandkids to put on the wall too.

Also on my desk are a few crystals on my computer, chosen for clarity, peace of mind and to absorb any lower energies that I don't want in my space.  I'm allowed to have a tealight-sized candle burning, so I made sure that my candle is working for me double-time and I put it in a salt rock candle holder.  Salt-rock releases negative ions when heated to combat the positive ions that surround electronic equipment like computers.

On days like today, when I'm headed into a meeting and it's bound to be a bit stressful (working with the accountant always gets my back up) I make sure to wear something that makes me feel strong.  A great outfit, a comforting crystal in the pocket or a piece of jewelery that makes me feel confident.

This silver stag horn is one of my go-to peices when I need some strength.

And once the day (or the stressful meeting) is over, I try to connect with a good friend or family.  Today I've pre-planned a lunch date with four of my closest friends - just in case I really need one of these:



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your silver stag horn necklace is lovely!

mermaid gallery said...

such great tips...I'm going to employ them immediately...sometimes you know how little things can make such a difference but you just forget! ....but that drink looks like the best stress buster! ...have a great time.....

Aine O'Brien said...

Yes, great tips! I also worked at a very "casual" office and I had a big piece of black tourmaline to absorb any negativity, a small bowl of rocks, etc., etc., etc. I think eventually I went a little overboard, with all my castoffs from home ending up in my office...!!!!

mxtodis123 said...

These are some great tips. Love that stag necklace. We're about to be moving to a new, modern place with cubicles and I'm not looking forward to it Too stark and cold without the little things that bring one some serenity during a busy day

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

That is a great idea. I love the spritz of lavender. Brilliant. and the talisman....equally brilliant. I knew I followed you bloggers for a reason! Thanks so much!


Arianna said...

Yay lavendar oil and fruity drinks with tiny umbrellas :) You can't get better stress relief than that. Your stag horn necklace is gorgeous.

Judith said...


Lois said...

I think I need to get myself some computer crystals...

Jeanne said...

So many great strategies for helping to maintain peace of mind. They could even be used at home.

So, where did you get the staghorn necklace?? It's quite lovely!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful ideas and the reminder that there are things I am in control of in my office. I tend to get so overwhelmed and stressed at work that all I can think about is going home or wishing the retirement age would drop dramatically. Now we both know that thinking is so against nature! Sometimes I need someone like you to say, "Mina, you need to get a new perspective!" - and here it is. Thanks again.

TheBlakkDuchess said...

I love your ideas for livening up & chilling out one's work space! I'm always looking for ways to make my office less... corporate... but as I share it with several other people & we all share one desk, from one shift to the next, there's not much I can do... Lavender spritz, however, I can do! =D


Suzie said...

Reading your post took me back to my days of working for someone else, and gave me the shudders. .I too used to light candles, spritzed lavender, brought in crystals (and would cringe when someone else handled them without respect), then take them back home to cleanse them again. I had photos of my fur babies, and some of me with animals in the wild who came up to say Hello, while I was out taking photos. .anything to boost the positive energy and bring in some peace and harmony. .and I would get complaints from everyone as fragrances drifted out my door, which could not be closed.

One of my person cushions that was never known, was the occasional splash of Kahlua in an Arby's mocha shake, (not a lot, just enough to take the edge off) on the rare Fridays when all of the upper brass were out of the office. No one ever caught on that I never regularly drank a shake! lol

And yes! I join everyone else in totally loving your necklace! Did you get this at an art fair, or was it specially made? It is lovely, and yet you can feel the strength coming off of it!

Tamara said...

Wonderful ideas for workspace :) That stag horn necklace is beautiful!

Rue said...

Suzie - lol - I'd be a liar if I said that there wasn't a small bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream that doesn't show up in the office fridge once in a while. But the bosses and other employees partake as well, so no hiding it is necessary!